I’m New Here

We’re so glad you’re here, and you can expect to be blessed when visiting The Empowerment Church. At TEC, we diligently strive to seek after God in spirit and in truth. We appreciate you for visiting our website. When you arrive at any of our worship services, you can expect the following:

  • An accurate communication of God’s word, relevant and applicable to everyday life.
  • An atmosphere of high energy, praise and anointed worship.
  • Dedicated ministries where you can entrust your children to faithful and committed individuals who teach God’s word in an age – appropriate manner.


  • An informational welcome package for all first-time visitors.
  • Taking communion during our services. This is a reminder that His body was broken, and His precious blood was shed for us.


Bunmi Akindote is the pastor of The Empowerment Church (TEC), an apostolic ministry committed to empowering lives for triumphant living and advancing God’s kingdom. He has a heart to see lives come to the knowledge of God and His kingdom through the transforming power of God’s word.

He is driven by compassion to teach and mentor youths, with a strong passion for prayer, worship, and the word. He received his pastoral ministry training at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, now Master’s College and Seminary, Peterborough, Ontario.

His vision is to empower people through transforming power of God’s word to enable them discover and fulfill their God given destiny. He is blessed with two wonderful and beautiful daughters.

Spiritual Principles

Every church has its own unique identity, and DNA.  At TEC, we inspire to be a missional model of ministry – be the church rather than an attractional model – come to church. We also believe that church is not made up of a building or a weekly gathering of people, but by being the body of Christ strengthening and encouraging each other to continue in the faith (1 Thessalonians 5:11).


Our Vision

Empowering Lives for Triumphant Living.

Our Core Value

Our vision is driven by the following core values:

  • Study of the Word

We are fully committed to studying and embracing the unchanging principles as established in the Word of God

  • Teaching of the Word

We are committed to clear and accurate communication of God’s Word. We believe that through understanding and consistent application of the word will transform lives.

  • Worship

We strongly believe that authentic worship exalts and enthrones God. Therefore, our worship is for Him and to Him alone.

  • Kingdom Lifestyle

We are fully committed to engage in a lifestyle that fully expresses and reflects the values of God’s kingdom.

  • Value – Driven Ministry

We value staying focused on a specific vision God has given us, and we will constantly measure all areas of our church effectiveness, leadership, ministries, and organisational structure based on our vision and values.

  • Kingdom Community

We are committed to share life which is the reality of our lifestyle not only within TEC, but with other community God has and will join to us in the nations of the world.

  • Excellence and Quality

We strongly believe that God deserves the best we can offer to Him. Therefore, in everything we do, we give Him our best and seek to maintain a high standard of excellence and integrity by His grace.

  • Leadership Development

We see leadership as not about one man’s calling, but about synergy of callings in which many individuals pursuing their assignments and responsibility in unity to the glory of God. Therefore, we commit ourselves to developing people who are willing to advance God’s kingdom in the areas of their influence.


Our Mission

To know God and make Him known as we reach out to reflect His heart to our communities.

Our Beliefs

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the ultimate authority in determining the will of God.
  • There is one God, eternally existent as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • God is the creator of all things, visible and invisible, and has total sovereignty over everything He created.
  • Through Christ, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that those who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal life.
  • Believers in Christ are instructed to separate themselves from the contamination of worldly values, but they are required to prevail in the world system through obedient to God’s world.




  • The church which is the body of Christ is made up of all individuals believing in Christ, who are joined together into one spiritual body making up of a spiritual nation for God.